Creative story writing:- Summary: Creative story writing, is not my own technique but a technique used by writers connected with inner child work and creativity using visualisation. I adopted creative story writing and used it for my own good as a first step in inner child work in 1994 and 1995 onwards. I am indebted to the inventor of this technique. Of course we are creating our own reality all the time, creative story writing just allows us to do this consciously and to good effect. People are creating their world by their thoughts beliefs and actions, all I am doing is the same thing but consciously with good results. This is not my technique. It is borrowed from successful authors that I have read and I would like to credit them with the process, unfortunately I don't currently have their names. Subject titles: A long time ago Inner child work Affirmations Love and attack thoughts Creating an inner world Writing making it real Sound and light machine How long Our divine nature Giving Videos Guided meditation Forgiveness The ancient garden The return to innocence Into the light Guilt Creative story writing described The protagonist The self values A sight to dream of not to tell Second sight The Moon The word The light A long time ago: Imagine, a long time ago a man found a treasure in a field so he buried it and sold all he had and bought that field. He realized his fortune very quickly. Imagine: A long time ago a man started to write a story. In it was himself his idea of God and many friends. It was a kind of therapy where he received all the love he craved. He visualised a fantasy world where his inner child flourished thrived and had all his needs satisfied. Then he noticed parts of the story becoming true! What he was writing about was coming true! He improved his life first spiritually then materially until he had more than enough as more and more of it came true, and became a channel for the divine to help him. Pretty soon he had more friends exeriences and plenty of material things. This is the subject of this pamphlet. Inner child work Inner child work hit the shores of the UK in 1993, a condensed psychological practice based around affirmations and popularised psychology, which works! The truth is we all have every age we ever were inside us, our little one inside wants to hear that we love it cherish it and value it. It is symbolised in our astrological chart by the house and sign of the moon. It is our emotions. It is our heart where our little girl / boy inside responds. Give him love and he will thrive. He needs to know that it will be alright. He needs to know you will be an adult to him and take care of him always. If something bad happened to him when he was small he needs to know he is now safe and you will always be the adult for him and will always take care of him. It is not about childishness but about being an adult to your inner child. It may not take so long or much longer and if he has been really hurt it will take longer, but as the mess that is bound to happen clears, the healing takes place. Sometimes a task seems impossible just as the tipping point comes and the task yields and although you have to keep trying, at this point you know you have won. If there is more of a mess then the job is bigger and there will be more rewards for the task. Affirmations These do work, what helps is knowing they are already true, removing blockages to the truth so that they work. Knowledge of our divinty also helps as you are coming from a divine place where all the positive affirmations are already true. Focus on what you really want in life and what you can do to make it happen. What are your priorities and goals? Keep the affirmations in the present tense " I am" and even as if they have already happened in the past " I was ...." Accept them as already true, in one sense they are already true. After the apple dropping on your head once, you know you don't have to keep saying "I believe in gravity!" Love and attack thoughts Nothing can ever leave its source. What is the source? There is only one source that is spirit, and a thought cannot leave this source but connects with you at its centre. An attack thought cannot connect with spirit, as it cannot leave it's source so it stays with the giver. If you love someone that hates you, their attack thoughts can have no affect on you. Attack thoughts never leave their source, and as you are not their source they stay with the "attacker". There they can also do no harm because they have no power as they are not even real they have no spiritual equivalent. If this were not so the world of spirit would be divided and would have collapsed. God cannot be 10% good, or partly good. With God it is total. Absolute. So the world of spirit is 100% good and doesn't transmit attack thoughts. If the one you love hates you they cannot hurt you unless you let them, your nice thoughts just come back to you, if they have no place in him / her. If you always look for the spiritual equivalent you won't go far wrong. What would have an equal in spirit? If something doesn't then avoid it. It is either from our ego, or from spirit and spirit is 100% good, and never harms us. If this were not so no living thing could have survived. God is 100% all powerful, and 100% good! Creating an inner world We have 100's hours of criticism that plays back to us all day long, we are not happy how we do things and the parents voice criticises us constantly. None of this is any good approached with the wrong outlook. We look at ourlselves with a non judgmental, non critical manner. The butterfly just goes about his business we look on we don't say "Hey your tummy is a bit fat" or "Those colours don't suit you!" We just see the butterfly and admire it, well this is how God sees us, without any criticism or judgement. We can create a space for ourselves, have you set aside a quiet time? Are you recording your progress in a journal? I like to use a "Create your health" cd from Louise L Hay, which takes about 45 minutes. Just as the sun goes down I have a quiet time, and first thing in the morning. We can write the next chapter of our lives. How long A good friend of mine one day said how he would go on a diet when he had had a girlfriend and couldn't find the wherewithall until he did. The light isn't there to be dictated to. Even though everything the light has is ours, we are not to dictate to it or try and manipulate it, controlling the energy. The light will not be controlled. We used to say "after... I will change" but soon realise the only time is in this present moment and we have to change now, not afterwards on some condition that may or may not ever happen. When we were young we used to pray for some gift if we are good etc, and expect it to happen, but as adults we have a different approach. We can't make bargains with god, or the light. First seek the light and then the rest will follow, I think the light wants us in a human way and misses us and wants our company, but not so as to get things from him, but as friends of the light. If we went round to our friends just to get things, we aren't genuine friends at all. How long will it be, before we come around and realise all we have ever wanted is the light, that we come from light, are made of light and will surely return to the light? Our divine nature Knowledge of our divine nature, can be so helpful, it should be central to all the excercises. We are so much more than our bodies. Our egos. We are miraculous divine wise beings of light. There has never been another you and there never will be. But we are all one person one being with many people that are it's limbs. The affirmations can go so far but by experience the best results seem to come when knowledge of our divinty is taken into account. This is the secret the comtemporary teachers do not want to openly discuss as it seems a bit too much. We are divine!! We can do anything!! The reason is that people will misunderstand the statement or it will seem crazy. But it's true and all the important authorities on this type of excerise seem to believe in it albeit in a quiet way. It is your link to God. It is God, and Writing - making it real Imagine writing a play where you are the protagonist. A play that while you are writing it, starts to come true!! It is possible to combine all of the above mentioned ideas with a technique I found in either one of Louise L Hay's books or a Shakti Gawain book around 1995. To combine the essence of the above ideas, I would write a story about a little boy. In it he felt secure loved and happy, and my inner child would respond with health, and joy. Soon though, I found major rafts of the story manifesting in my everyday life! It was coming true!! So within a few weeks I was well off, with lots of friends and happy doing my various hobbies. Success follows success! What we focus on becomes our reality! Sound and light machine Sound and light machines can be used to put you in a deeply relaxed state. Esssentially glasses with LEDS that act as a stroboscope to put you under. The mind is more suggestible in these states. It is possible to use a prerecorded mp3 or tape while at the same time going under with the light session. What you think you will see is quite often different to what you will actually see. I remember a journey into the subconscious, where I descended into a lower room, and saw "god" who was a woman, I remember what she looked like, althoughh this is personal to me. What does your God look like? Have you seen her? Him? There is the possibility of going back to infancy and past life regression. Sometimes this can be helpful even if not provable - therapeutically it may not have to be factually correct to elict the feelings of release from complexes and illnesses. Some of the lower frequencies (of the machine) are never normally attained and can increase memory and study, not during the session but that day or the next day. The procyon is a multicoloured sound and light machine, capable of binaural sound and multiple light effects. With a PC it can be programmed with custom sessions, and also has 50 or so inbuilt premade sessions. It works with binaural sound, and an MP3 player can be used with it instead and just use the light. You are in effect dreaming while awake and I think levels of the dream neurotransmitter DMT are high, producing a suggestive state and the visions. Unlike DMT visions these are more usable and tame. The visions are more reliable, I started a project called the "Time travel journals" using nothing more than a pen and paper and a procyon. At the top of the paper was a statement "These visions have one purpose - Forgiveness" and then followed journeys into previous lives. The purpose was fulfilled so even though the journeys may or may not be correct, my purpose was fulfilled. Time travel is possible using the mindlab machine mentioned above, but at the moment is still quite misunderstood. I have found by experiment that I could visit my future lives! There are trends in our lives that run through past and future lives and similar lessons to learn, joys and sorrows with a common theme. Giving Giving is receiving. When we give we are giving to ourselves. When we give to someone that can't pay us back God himself pays us back many fold. The less publicity the better, the divine consciousness knows what is happening and will reward us generously even if we are doing it for gain. (You dont like the friend that just wants you, so as to get things - No, the light wants you to be his friend as well!) He wants us to prosper! What we give out we get back multiplied. If you are hard up and want your life to improve find a good cause and give them £10 happily and let me know what happens! You need never worry about money again once you have grasped that to give is to receive!! Sadly this is missed as it is contradictory - well paradoxical at least. So no-one knows about giving to yourself, by giving to someone that can't give back. You would naturally think to conserve the little you seem to have. Mean people get rich, NO! Meanness is not the road to riches. Generosity will take you there though and you will know you are creating a fairer better world at the same time. You do not have to believe in it either. It works independently of the consciousness of the giver. Videos You can reprogram your brain with videos, that you have made containing subliminal messages. In the UK PAL systems can run at 25 frames a second on DVD. (MPEG2). Then every frame can contain a printed message and this frame rate is uninteligible to the conscious mind. It is working deep on your subconscious, and will come true. Guided meditation I always used a Louise L Hay tape "Create your health", which had stretching excercises followed by a deep letting go excercise and approaching the light that is at the centre of our being. I practised forgiveness mainly with this tape. Also I made my own tapes, and while I was completely relaxed my experiences were not always how I had expected them to be. When I was very relaxed I saw "god" at that moment she was a beautiful woman, with a characteristic face. This physical appearance would be different depending on who you are, but the light comes to you in the most appropriate form, for you at that time, the light is a very human like person that is kind and compassionate, never failing you. So there were a lot of excercises on the tapes, which I tended to use a light and sound machine with. The excercises were forgiveness, claiming your birthrights, healing your soul, healing your body, affirming your protection, prosperity, health, relaionships, meeting a partner, excercising in ways that are fun, and many similar related topics. The Louise L Hay "Create your health" tape is 20 years old and it must surely have been improved on. But then it has all the necessary meditations on it, there is no need to improve on it. The important thing is to carry out the work, and there may come a point where the work is overwhelming, and the inner child is very loud - this is very good as you are contacting it directly and soon things will start to improve. Miracle follows miracle, as you go from strength to strength achieving your purpose and fulfillment! Forgiveness I was with a very good friend that was undergoing changes: "You need to work on forgiving them!" "Yes but not if you really hate them!" These are the very people you need to forgive - the ones that you really hate! Without forgiveness there will come a time when we will flounder, as the Course in miracles says "It is impossible to truly love until we have forgiven" and as Louise L Hay says, "Would I rather be happy and well or would I rather be right!" Most people won't have to go back to their childhood and release their demons. Some though, those with childhood nightmares need to forgive the past to exist in the present. It if ain't broke dont fix it, but remember forgiveness won't cost you anything and isn't harmful. When you start digging you may find a big nasty shadow there, good news!! Your release will be even more dramatic and freeing for your inner child. You know that you are divinely guided and protected at every step as you carry out these excercises, and that in the end when you have let go your life will be much better. It's not about losing yourself in the past its not about ego and selfishness. Just that sometimes the shadow of the past keeps us from going out into the midday Sun. In some cases it is even more necessary even though it seems like a mess at first. Don't worry this is normal. Know that soon things will be clearer and your release is in process. Do you have a copy of ACIM (A course in miracles)? There are pieces in the text which you might like to read. I decided to do the excercises in the workbook, which were very simple, every day for a year. It was the single best thing I have ever done. Letting go of the past has helped so much and finding forgiveness for those that offended me has brought forgiveness to me. In forgiving we are forgiven because how we are judging others is how we will judge ourselves and having gone through all this and carried out the work has released me to be innocent once more. Resistance When you start to carry out the work, you may find you are hesitating or something doesn't feel right. If it isn't right don't do it. My advice is to go with the resistance and investigate it. Find out what your inner child feels. Don't just deny it outright, but find out where you can improve the journey to your happiness. Try asking it a question and writing the answer in your non-dominant hand. The answer is often quite different to what you were expecting. Connect. Feel what's going on there really is no more to fear, let your little girl / boy inside feel safe. Sometimes you just can't forgive and have to allow yourself to be angry for a while. One day you may be able to forgive. Even if you can't, forgive yourself for not being able to. At least you have tried and maybe things will change with time. The ancient garden We have never left the ancient garden, the garden of Eden, we have let our egos make us think we have. We can return to innocence because we have never truly lost it. Our divinity is there waiting for us. Sin or what the ego imagines is sin, is an illusion, the only reality is God, is Spirit. If you have a thought attacking someone it won't leave its source, to do so it would have to have a spiritual counterpart. This would mean God is both good and evil. An attack thought has no spiritual equivalent, and is not even real. The only person it could have an effect on is the person harbouring it. But even then it may not as it is not even real and has no spiritual substance. The madness is that the ego has persuaded us that we have left the Garden of Eden and God, and what we see is a nightmare based on this, when we go to heaven it will be as a dream dispersed wiped out and neutralised like the dream that it is. The return to innocence Is the return to innocence possible then? Well no, we never truly left innocence, we are searching for something somewhere but we already have it we are already there!! If all the sins that were committed against you were real you could never forgive them all. But if they were all a wrong way of thinking and not actual sins, if they had no reality then maybe they could be overlooked. Someone very close to me bullied me all the time as a kid. Grown up we got on fine, and there was ne NEED for forgiveness. Bridging the gap is so important: "I forgive you NAME, for something that never happened, by someone that never existed, toward another person that also never existed!" "NAME "I never thought you would really manage to do it, you have forgiven me!" It seems that to love we have to first forgive but to forgive we have to first love. And if we see some horrific sin it will be impossible to forgive. So we need to build a bridge by recognising that none of what we see around us is real. Or a strong relationship that can make the "sins" seem unreal. All there really is, is love after all. Sin has no spiritual equivalent. A curse is an attack thought. An attack thought has no equivalent in spirit and therefore no spiritual reality. It has no substance and the worst thing it can do is seem to come true to the attacker, deluding him and creating more guilt, and self blame. I was very relieved to discover this as I unwittingly had these beliefs and the associated guilt that I had caused sufferring and even death by attack thoughts. They truly have no substance. The argument goes something like this: All there is is spirit, God is spirit, for attack thoughts to be real they have to be carried by God and dealt to the victim by God. God then would be not only crazy but divided as both good and evil. The world would collapse as God would fight his good and his evil nature. How could God be both good and evil? So in God there are no attack thoughts, and God is all there is. Follow me? Into the light There was a relative that had an NDE. At that point in time he was religious, and the entities asked him to leave and go towards the light. He saw the light, and it was amazing, so he said out loud you must be God!! But the light didn't want to be called "God" just saying "If that is helpful to you then OK, call me God". The problem with describing God is that you end up making an image of Him on Earth and this image can be used to control people by guilt and blame. Major religions can be helpful but if they are not just drop them! The light when spoken to about the "saints" and "prayers" simply said to my relative "But how much love was there in your heart?" This is how the light thinks and he said "Let me show you all the times when you were one with me!" I would advise to only use a religion that supports you and to avoid being controlled by guilt, and to really analyse the situation. Guilt: Guilt is an unhelpful feeling that can hamper our creative journey if we let it. The Son of God is guiltless and as Him we are guiltless as is our brother. You can choose not to believe in the forgiveness of sin, but that the people that "sinned" against you just had an error of thought, we believed something in error. Because it is so hard to forgive something real, if it can be rendered into just an error in thinking then true forgiveness triumphs. "I forgive NAME, for doing something ...." If all we are is light and there is nothing else, then we truly don't exist, only in light. After years of trying to forgive the past this technique is what has proved effective for me. WE have never left the garden what we see around us is a nightmare and is dispelled as soon as we wake up, the dreams dissolve and we are still with God. So guilt is an untrue emotion that is mainly unhelpful. If "sin" had any reality any spiritual equivalent it would be unforgivable, if it were real that is. In spirit there is no "sin" as if God had sin in him his kingdom would be divided and would not stand. The only way to convincingly forgive sin is if it is not real, in fact if it is forgiven then it isn't real it is just an error in thinking a mistake. Realizing it is not a real occurence and has no equivalent in spirit can help. "I forgive NAME, for doing something that never happened, by someone that never existed, to another person that neither existed" "Wow!" Said JC "You've done it! You've really forgiven me! I never believed you would do it!" "Let me reward you with something really nice!" "You dont have to JC" "But I would like to as you have really helped me!" "OK!" Creative story writing described Creative story writing can be any helpful description in which your inner child interacts with and is supported by playmates in his own little world. Money is a concept that she / he like all little children will have grasped very early on. Little children can be so mercenary! No-one has to read the story, writing it is more effective than re-reading it, although I do both. Playtime! The rules - there are no rules! Create whatever you wish to experience! I started with a simple idea of making my inner little boy feel love, I used real people as characters and told them about it, in real life. The love is what's important not the prosperity which will inevitably follow. Comfort, reassurance, prosperity, you now have a channel directly to your inner child, how will you use it? You will do better things than I have as you realise the method in action, magically. It is not magic but Science and manifestation of our creativity, and surely follows the work involved. We are creating our reality all along so why not do the same thing in a more positive way? Whatever you currently believe that which we focus on becomes true for us. The protagonist: The protagonist is yourself, your inner child, and as God is all there is, the protagonist is divine. God. He gives and receives love like any child and is your link to the divine, being inward divinity itself. Whatever you give to him you give to yourself. Whatever you give to him you give to God. If you found out you were creating some bad situation without knowing it and just by being aware you could transform it into a better situation would you attempt it? We unconsciously create all the drama in our lives. Well, now we can consciously address our lives and create the reality we really want! The self values: The self values are necessary and you should be aware of their importance. Self worth self esteem and self value. If you have a poor sense of self esteem you are not able to help your brother who needs you. Self esteem is valuable and necessary. Start by loving yourself. It's not about ego. It's never done to pitch against someone else but to add to their value and your own. If one of us suffers we all suffer, if one of us prospers we all prosper. Getting this right is vital. You have a right to happiness and prosperity. When you gain it will help others around you. Take time for yourself be the happy person you really are. Selfishness is really the belief you can benefit by your brothers downfall, it is not defined by mutual good. The benefit of the true self and not the ego is what this is all about. The ego here is defined as the exhagerated idea of who we are. It can be recognised as coming from our bodies our idea of separation from others whereas we are one spirit and our bodies are just limbs of the same being - God. We ourselves have every right to prosperity and a share of the infinite riches of this world. We haved a right to be ourselves. A sight to dream of not to tell Here are some reflections on what my relative saw in his NDE. "There was this light, in it was all the love that ever existed. On approaching it I was filled with emotion and an extreme feeling of being cared for and infinitely loved as if this light was worshipping me. Was this God? Well it answered, "If it helps you to call me by that name" and when asked about Hail Marys replied "I don't care about Hail Marys I just want to know how much love there was in your heart!" So I described the light and how it affected me. When I looked at the light I realised it did not really like religion. The first commandment is to not make an image of Him and to not worship it. This image is religion. Jesus was sad because he knew the words he used to describe this light that he saw would be misunderstood misrepresented and distorted and used to create fear and guilt, "I just want you to see this light in your own hearts" he said. "You are this light!" And he knew there would be wars waged because of the misuse of his teachings and Jesus wept. But because he wanted everyone to become aware of this light and this love and that it lives right in here in your heart he continued with his teachings. So he could reach everyone. All he wants to do is to love us and all he wants is our good. When I describe the light I am also creating an image here on Earth of the light, and it will probably be distorted and used to create guilt and blame, and war. Guilt is a man made emotion to try to control us...." It is one ego trying to hurt another, and is not really part of this light and his creation. That is why people shouldn't tell of the sight they have seen and also why they should. So all the NDE accounts may end up being used and misused for war and one person predating on another but that's the risk with trying to describe this being of light - the sight to dream of not to tell. And recognising it as the quiet inner voice that speaks from within your heart. "How do I describe him? "I am you" said the light "How would you describe yourself?" "Beauty!" I replied, this is the one word to sum up this light "Beauty!"." "This light is so beautiful, like ecstatic singing music flooding your body and is a definite person that is talking directly to you by a kind of mental telepathy. Imagine being in love and trying to describe the nice feelings to someone else. Then multiply these nice feelings a million fold and you wouldn't even come close. There is a feeling of such deep peace that you know it is your real home where you really should have been all along and this world was just a temporary place to learn some lessons. You see the beautiful girl and your heart sings, well that's what it is like. Only in this light is every thing of beauty, ever piece of love. Religion can't even come close to this ultimate love. If you really want to see it just lie down close your eyes and don't move for 4 minutes apart from gentle breathing, you will feel peace and ecstasy and sooner or later you will come up to a wall of light. This is the light that lives inside you. Talk to it cherish it the light is you and you are the light. This is what Jesus wanted to tell you all those years ago but the church got us all to look outside for this light. IT IS YOU!" Second sight This is a little strange to explain. Ever since I started practising the Course in Miracles I have had a gift, (well many but I would like to write about this one!), that I am usually walking along, and I see a beautiful face as I glance at someone. When I look again I see she is an old lady of say 80. I have just seen her as a 20 year old, but she is 75 or 80! This is I think because I get a glimpse of the person as they are in Heaven, where God sees us as already perfect. Heaven has no limits! It has no limits of time or space! It is right here and right now! So I am looking a little with the eyes that love her, those of our beautiful Maker! People report light effects while studying ACIM (A Course in Miracles) but these images I mention, are really quite striking! Also I keep finding money! You may have different effects, people report various changes!! The Moon In Astrology the inner child is described by the sign and house and aspects to the Moon. A good astrologer can cast your chart and will know where the Moon is in your birthchart. When looking back we can see the beliefs that were around us when we were very young. Chances are they were taken as the absolute truth because we were so small. What did your parents keep repeating when you were very small? When logic has been accepted and is seen as the truth whether correct or not it ends up being compressed and turns into a feeling, pleasant or otherwise. Then the problem is how do we know what beliefs created these feelings that are now not very useful for us? Well go back to when you were a very small child and listen to all those around you and to what they were saying. It is said that 80% of all the facts that we believe are lies, so now why not believe things that are helpful as we are not capable of 100% truthfullness and don't know what it is. We think we do but 80% of it is untrue. Keep a journal and in it include all the beliefs when you were a child "Money doesn't grow on trees!" "The World doesn't owe you a living" etc etc. You can change them in the light of experience or with affirmations. Know that The Light loves you and wants you to benefit and prosper. Our reaction now is a process built up over years and each feeling has happened through years of "education" by our parents and society. In astrology the moon symblolises happiness also. So in the end we are happy, as well as healthy and balanced. Inner child work isn't about going back in behaviour to a child, but in being a strong parent to our inner child, becoming an adult, to it. This is also reinforced because the Moon also symbolises the mother, we nurture our inner child as a mother would. They say we have a pain body where all our hurt lives and it reacts when it feels pain once more. How can we ever be healthy then? In the light there is no pain all our ills are illusions of our egos, feelings that are not even real, all that is left is love, the true self which is the Light and everything else is an illusion. Forgiveness isn't even necessary at this level, as wrong has no spiritual equivalent, "God is and nothing else". The word: The word is very important. Just by controlling your words your life can improve tenfold. Refrain from self put downs, swearing, lying and gossiping and watch your life improve. What we focus on becomes our reality. Our words are constantly creating our reality, consciously or unconsciously. With creative story writing the only difference is that we are doing this consciously. They are still words but on paper. Words can be creative written as well as spoken. Use the power of the word. A thought never leaves its source, a nice word is part of the light and reaches out, but just to more light it never really leaves its source. An attack thought never leaves its source either. It stays with the attacker and has no power to destroy. As it is an illusion, it only has power in the persons mind that created it, and has no spiritual equivalent, it is not of the spirit and cannot destroy. In fact it can't hurt the person that created it either as it has no basis. It can only hurt the person saying it as long as they believe in it. They have to keep putting energy into it for it to seem real. Of course true words only need to be said once. Gravity doesn't have to be repeated over and over once the concept is known. But lies need to be repeated many times to have any effect. The only truth is that God is. God is and nothing else. Use the word effectively, I hope that by using the word creatively and not destructively I can help you create a fairer better world. The essence of this method Creative story writing, depends on the correct use of the word. The words you will use can creative mental images or just stay as words both are good enough. The light The light is hard to describe. Direct quote: "I saw this beautiful dark spanish girl on TV, but talking about her doesn't really do it, you have to see her and know her, to get anywhere near understanding what I am talking about. The light is the same, I can try to describe it with analogies but really this light is beautiful beyond any words. I came towards it and it was outstanding "You must be God!" "Well you can call me that if it is helpful for you!" It is God but didn't want to be called that. Take the most beautiful person to walk the Earth. Now multiply this feeling by one Billion, and you still wouldn't cone anywhere near. It LOVES you. Totally. It defies description. Words are not even close. If you wrote a book describing this light it would soon become a religion and then succumb to corruption by the "powers" of this world. Religion is an image of the light and breaks the first commandment not to make an image of God on earth. But this is what I am doing here. I hope to describe him better than a genocidal maniac that caused a flood to get rid of nearly everyone except the strongest and best specimens, (Eugenics?). When you are in this light your whole soul sings, the light is like hearing strange beautiful music you have never heard before, and in it is all knowledge to anything you want to know, instantly. It communicates telepathically by a sort of thought transfer rather than with actual words. It knows everything about you, and it LOVES you!!! My first thought was that this was God and could St Augustine and the Virgin Mary pray for me. Like in the Opera "Dream of Gerontius" By Edward Elgar, The light just replied "I am not interested in Ave Marias, but how much love was there in your heart?"" Approach this light and ask it to lead you and show you the way, that day your life will change. If you are not religious that's fine, but imagine the light, a being at our centre and the essence of all being, not god but light, I am sure that that day your life will change completely!